👋 Hey there! The documentation, alongside the app, is in early beta. If you see any mistakes or typos, please let us know.

🔗 Linking to Aether from the Web

You can link to Aether communities, threads, posts and people from the web.

Whenever you click a copy link on Aether, it will give you an Aether link you can paste to a regular website, starting with aether://.

  • The recipient needs to have Aether installed, and warmed up.1 If the user clicks the link without the app having caught up to date with the network, it will receive a 404 Not Found.

  • This is what an Aether link looks like:

  • Here are a few links you can try:
    @b (creator of Aether, @nehbit)
    Genesis community
    Crypto community

1 There will eventually be an Aether web viewer, so you should be able to link to Aether posts without the recipient needing to install the app.